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Land to the north side of Fairvew Avenue to the right of number 8.
We have measured using Edozo maps the width of the driveway at the entrance with Fariview Avenue and it has an approximate width of 3.66m (12ft). We would encourage interested parties to make their own site investigations
Situated close to the junction with Marine Crescent. Goring-by-Sea beach is approximately 100m to the South.
The land may be suitable for development to provide a single lock up garage. Prospective purchasers should rely on their own enquiries with West Sussex County Council.
Buyers are strongly advised to read these terms and conditions, and check the Special Conditions and any applicable Addendum, prior to bidding on a Lot. Additional costs, charges and encumbrances may apply for Buyers once they have made a successful bid in relation to a property.