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This three bed flat is enviably located moments from St. George's Gardens, Shadwell Station and the renowned River Thames. It features a private balcony and shared terraces with lovely suburban views.
Subject to confirmation - this means that the buyer is invited to make an offer at or above the opening bid price of the listed property. Once bidding is closed the seller has 48 hours to decide if they want to accept the highest bid or not.
If you are not the highest bidder your participation fee will be refunded by BidX1 in full within a maximum of 10 business days post the bidding closing time. If you are successful following vendor acceptance, and in accordance with the authority you provided on registration, BidX1 will sign legally binding contracts relating to the sale of the property on behalf of the you and the vendor.
The invited opening bid is not to be considered as a guide price and is not an indication of the reserve price.
Solander Gardens is set opposite St. George's Gardens and Shadwell Station, offering easy access to Canary Wharf, the East End, London Bridge and the City of London. An array of restaurants and local amenities are also found close by.
Leasehold - Held on a lease for a term of 125 years from 21/11/1988 at a ground rent of £10 per annum
Sixth floor: Bedroom
Fifth floor: Two bedrooms, reception room, kitchen, separate wc, balcony
Fourth floor: Bathroom
Buyers are strongly advised to read these terms and conditions, and check the Special Conditions and any applicable Addendum, prior to bidding on a Lot. Additional costs, charges and encumbrances may apply for Buyers once they have made a successful bid in relation to a property.