
Buyer Sentiment Survey 2024

What will happen to property prices over the next six months? Does the BER rating impact on buyer preferences? What yield are investors seeking?

BidX1 has published the results from its latest buyer sentiment survey, taken in April 2024. 

The survey seeks to crystallize the opinions and intentions of buyers on its Irish database and the key findings are available here

Gillian Earley, Director at BidX1 Ireland, said: “Each year, we ask our Irish database about their views on everything from pricing to financing, which provides an interesting snapshot of investor sentiment.  

“It’s particularly interesting to see changing perspectives over time. For example, only 16% of respondents expect prices to fall in the next 6 months, compared to 43% in July 2023.”

BidX1 will hold multiple auctions of Irish property throughout the summer, which can be viewed here


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