Irish Property Market: Buyer Sentiment Survey 


What will happen to property prices over the next six months? Does the BER rating impact on buyer preferences? What yield are investors seeking?

Each year, we ask our Irish database about their views on the property market – from investment preferences to sources of finance. Our latest survey had more than 1,400 respondents and we’ve gathered the key findings here.


Buyer Characteristics

Almost 80% of respondents hope to buy a property within 12 months. Who are they? 

"It hasn't been boomy enough for there to be a bust yet. Prices will go higher before a drop."
"Government supports for older, vacant properties are not being granted – but vendors seem to be factoring in the full grant award as if it were a sure thing! "
"Residential tenancy legislation will have to be rewritten to bring property owner rights up to parity with tenants."
"Residential properties are currently 30% over valuations. People who want to buy are waiting on the sidelines for a price correction."


Buyer Preferences

Almost 80% of respondents hope to buy a property within 12 months. What type of property are they looking for? 

"Over the long-term, property investment done wisely and based on repayments of Interest + Principal will seldom go wrong." 
"Prices are now at 06/07 levels. That means that prices haven't risen in real terms in 17 years which indicates substantial further growth potential in the near future."
"Properties with under C1 BER ratings are grossly over-valued in my opinion. Given current construction/renovation costs, these properties don’t represent a good investment."


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Survey Dates: 05.04.24 - 19.04.24 | Respondents: 1,439 | Audience: BidX1 Subscriber Database (Ireland)