
BidX1 achieves carbon neutrality across all markets

We are incredibly proud to announce that BidX1 has achieved carbon neutrality. As of March 2021, we are officially a carbon-neutral company, having reduced our greenhouse gas emissions down to zero – across every market, from 2019. 

With backing from Enterprise Ireland, who supported our carbon assessment through their GreenStart programme, we have mapped BidX1's emissions across every market, including emissions for Scope 1 and Scope 2, as well as Scope 3 emissions like staff commuting; waste management; data storage; and emissions from the supply and treatment of water. 

BidX1's carbon footprint amounted to just 291 tonnes in 2019, thanks to an inherently sustainable business model based around digital innovation – and the substantial work conducted across the company to integrate environmental principles into every aspect of our business. 

Following our carbon assessment, BidX1 staff chose to offset the small amount of carbon that we do consume through investment in a safe water project in Rwanda. 

This year, BidX1 intend to go even further, by submitting a report to the Carbon Disclosure Project, the gold standard for corporate environmental reporting. 

Our journey to this point – and the targets we’ve set to ensure that we push ourselves even further – are outlined in more detail here:


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BidX1 achieves carbon neutrality across all markets