
The Future of UK Auctions: Estates Gazette Podcast Series

The end of the year is a good time for reflection - and for looking to the future.

I was delighted to take part in the Estates Gazette "Future of Auctions" series, a collection of podcasts, articles and debates focusing on trends and developments in the auction industry - following a year which has turbo-charged some practices and likely sounded the death-knell for others. 

With so many key industry players involved, the discussions have been both informative and thought-provoking - from the role of technology in an age-old industry to the appetite for retail investments in the midst of rapidly changing consumer habits. 

I was pleased to join EG's Associate Editor, Julia Cahill; Peter Loveday, Partner in Restructuring & Recovery at commercial property agent Sanderson Weatherall; and Nick Myers, partner in Restructuring & Recovery at accountant Smith & Williamson, for a discussion about the best way to tackle complex asset sales - and the benefits of using online auctions in such cases.

The full podcast is available here, along with the other discussions in the series, which are well worth a listen. 


Oliver Childs is Head of Commercial Auctions at BidX1 UK. Connect with him on LinkedIn here. 

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